AOX/TOX Analyzer multi X® 2500

In environmental monitoring as well as in process and quality control, the determination of organic halogens which can be adsorbed by activated charcoal is very important for the evaluation of water and waste water. With the multi X® 2500, Analytik Jena provides a flexible, future-oriented system for sum parameter analysis that meets the requirements of every modern laboratory.
Thanks to the innovative double furnace technology and the proven gas lock for sample introduction multi X® 2500 is a completely new generation of AOX analyzers.
Double furnace technology
The innovative double furnace technology with tilting furnace combines the advantages of both the vertical and horizontal furnace into one analysis system. A design that sets standards.
High degree of operator convenience due to
- Very easy handling
- Plug-and-start technology
- Significantly reduced maintenance work
- Intelligent software package multiWin®
- Fast changeover between batch and column method
- User-friendly design ensures outstanding ease of use and efficiency
- High sample throughput in the vertical and horizontal mode
The fully automated autoX samplers are available in a variety of versions and with different capacity.
The self-explanatory multiWin® software accompanies the user through all relevant menu points. The software monitors and regulates at the same time all the important system parameters and informs immediately about errors in the system configuration and about the input of inappropriate parameters, thus preventing any unusable results from the outset.
multiWin® checks for you the system performance and the quality of the analysis, delivers a clear display of the measurement results, and much more. multiWin® provides free evaluation of sample data even during running measurements, the automatic selection of the optimum calculation function, the fully automatic set up of calibration curves for the various measuring ranges as well as the possibility of individual recalculation of results.
- Intuitive user guidance
- Comprehensive user-oriented functions like multi-point calibration, blank value correction, recalculation of results, free choice of results dimensions, statistical functions
- User management, audit trail, and electonic signatures according to FDA 21 CFR part 11
- Comfortable management and storage of data and parameters
- Automatic or manual data export (LIMS, MS Excel)
- Fully automatically control of maintenance intervals
autoX samplers
The autoX samplers are available in a variety of versions. Therewith you can optimally adjust the multi X® 2500 to match the requirements of your laboratory operation.
The fully automated autoX sampler allows the highest sample throughput yet, either in vertical and horizontal operation. From small AOX sample series in vertical mode to multi-matrix variants for vertical and horizontal sample feed in larger AOX sample series, using the column or batch method or EOX samples — the autoX series offers the right sampler for any task.
autoX 36/autoX 36d
The automatic samplers autoX 36, for small AOX sample series in the vertical mode, introduce up to 36 samples, prepared using batch orcolumn method, within one sequence in the instrument.
autoX 112
The multi matrix sampler autoX 112 allows an extremely high sample throughput in the vertical and horizontal mode for large sample series (up to 112 AOX columns!) using column method as well as batch method.
The charcoal is fed into the combustion system together with the container or directly after pushing it out. The boat inlet for EOX samples in the horizontal mode is also possible. The optional flame sensor technology guarantees a residue-free combustion.
Auto injector — for precise manual injection of EOX samples
The auto injector is suitable for the injection in vertical as well as horizontal operation mode. Standardized filling volumes eliminate subjective faults. The injection speed is remote-controlled by the multiWin® software. You dose samples as accurately as an autosampler.
APU — sampler systems
Wide-range coulometer
- „High-concentration“cell for high concentrations (recommended for TX determination in solids)
- „High-sensitive“ cell for very low Cl concentrations (recommended for EOX determination)
TOC module
The enhancement of multi X® 2500 with the TOC module enables the TOC determination in liquids by catalyst promoted high temperature combustion tube with a highly effective catalyst filling — in compliance with international standard methods.
Automated replacement of the sulphuric acid in the drying vessel
The automated H2SO4 replacement unit ensures the fully automatic replacement of sulfuric acid and thus an optimum drying performance.
POX kit
POX represents the sum of volatile organically bound halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) contained in a water sample, which can be purged in the gas phase under defined conditions with an auxiliary gas (argon), and are detected after combustion in a stream of argon/oxygen with the aid of argentometric titration.
Extension kit for EOX
EOX represents the sum of organically bound halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) in a water sample or solid sample which can be extracted with a non-polar organic solvent, and are detected after combustion in a stream of argon/oxygen with the aid of argentometric titration.
ABD — automatic Boat Drive with cooled sample introduction zone
ABD is designed for the automatic introduction of EOX extracts or solid samples in the horizontal operation.
The multi X® 2500 offers far more than just AOX/TOX/EOX/POX/TX analysis. Applications include determinations of TOC — important in water analysis – and chlorine contents (TX) from difficult matrices.
Application Note Linearity Test According to DIN EN ISO 9562 (Column Method)
- Brochure multi X 2500 (English) .pdf | 680.72 kB
- Flyer multi X 2500 APU 28 (English) .pdf | 1.90 MB
- fl APU sim en .pdf | 1.18 MB