SPECORD® PLUS for Dissolution Tests

The UV/Vis spectrophotometers SPECORD® PLUS can be easily connected with commercially available online dissolution systems.
Installations with dissolution systems from various manufacturers are present world-wide, with numbers increasing continuously. The photometers are completely integrated in the process system software of the dissolution supplier. High user satisfaction demonstrates the reliability and robustness of the installed spectrophotometers.
With the advantages of the photometers SPECORD® PLUS, this combination offers a sophisticated automatic test system for online UV/Vis measurements.
SPECORD® 210 PLUS — Powerful double-beam system with 4-fold variable slit width
SPECORD® 200 PLUS — Powerful double-beam system with fixed slit width
Advantages of the photometers
- Spectral range from 190 to 1100 nm
- High performance optics with high resolution performance and 10 years long-term warranty
- Excellent long term stability with the use of CDD technology (Cooled Double Detection)
- Large sample compartment with an outlet opportunity for liquids
- Conform to all international pharmacopoeia as well as the demands of FDA 21 CFR Part 11
The comprehensive accessory range of the SPECORD® PLUS series provides the proper automation equipment for 1 up to 14 samples with different tempering options for online dissolution applications:
- 8 cell changer for dissolution
- 2 x 8 cell changer for dissolution
The combination of two 8 cell changers allows simultaneous measurements of 8 samples each with 8 blank values as well as 14 samples and one blank value. A reliable flow-trough is guaranteed thanks to a horizontally arranged adaptation for 28 tube connections at the dissolution photometer.
The WinASPECT® PLUS software and its validation program can also be used for fast and uncomplicated photometrical analyses without adaptation to a dissolution test system.
- Brochure SPECORD PLUS Family (EN) .pdf | 479.28 kB
Maximum Precision in UV/Vis SPECORD PLUS – SPECORD PLUS Series of photometers represents reliability, user friendliness and flexibility in UV/Vis analysis.
- Technical Data SPECORD PLUS (English) .pdf | 217.94 kB
- Technical Data WinASPECT PLUS (English) .pdf | 142.45 kB
- Flyer UV/Vis Pharmacy (English) .pdf | 480.69 kB
SPECORD PLUS Applications for Pharmacy
- Flyer UV/Vis Validation (English) .pdf | 513.44 kB
Validation Software of SPECORD PLUS
- Flyer UV/Vis GLP-FDA (English) .pdf | 482.25 kB
Compliance with Relevant Standards
- Flyer UV/Vis Peltier (English) .pdf | 461.74 kB
Peltier Cooled Accessories for SPECORD PLUS